
24 MAY


Former Royal Prison


In each edition, FCAT pays special attention to children’s and family content. To this end, this year sees the return of FAMILY CINEMA, the Festival’s space dedicated to family groups with young children.

It is a place to meet and get to know the neighbouring continent through cinema, as its programme includes screenings of a selection of short films for children, mostly animated.

29.04-01.05_11am to 1pm | 29.04-06.05_6pm to 7pm 

Free admission | Screenings in Spanish only


For the second year, the FCAT is collaborating with the Mobile Film Festival. Created in 2005, the Mobile Film Festival is an international short film festival with a simple principle: 1 Mobile, 1 Minute, 1 Film.

The mission of the Festival is to reveal, support and accompany talents from all over the world to become the directors of tomorrow. The Mobile Film Festival is a 100% digital festival, in order to reach the widest possible audience.

03.05-06.06 from 5 to 6 pm | Free entry


In this exhibition, the author invites us to contemplate a world alive in content and colour, telling the visitor about the Amazigh popular culture and the daily life of women. Through her naïf-style works, Zahira Tigtate tells us about the Amazigh heritage and celebrations and expresses her identity through abstract symbols, inspired by a thousand-year-old heritage.

Born in Safi (Morocco), Zahira Tigtate counts on an important exhibition career in different cities in Morocco, carrying out at the same time mural paintings and artistic residencies at the Royal Institute of Amazigh Culture of Morocco (IRCAM). Internationally, she has also participated in group exhibitions in Egypt, the United States, France and Spain.

With the support of the Euro-Arab Foundation and the Fundación Márgenes y Vínculos.

29.04-06.05 | Open when other activities are scheduled


29.04 – 04.05 from 7 to 8 pm | Free entry

EnfocAH is a humanitarian photography project to look where no one else is looking, to put the spotlight on issues that are often left out of the news. It combines online meetings, debates, screenings, takeovers, etc., proposing new narratives that fuse music and photography.

In the EnfocAH Video Coverage, musicians, composers and performers have been inspired by the photographic coverage of various humanitarian crises in which Médecins Sans Frontières works to create the original soundtrack for these works, generating an immersive experience and giving a new narrative to this coverage. 

The EnfocAH Videocoberturas focused on African contexts are screened at the African Film Festival in Tarifa:

Río de barro. Violencia y refugio en Sudán del Sur | Photo: Albert González / Music: Depedro

Lo que no se alumbra. Sequía en el Lago Chad | Photo: Sara Creta / Music: Ede

Monstruo. Desnutrición en Madagascar | Photo: iAko Randrianarivelo / Music: Agnès Algueró

Al son de las balas. Desplazamientos masivos en RDC | Photo: Pablo Garrigós / Music: Anna Ferrer

Zauiya. Atrapados en Libia | Photo: Aurelie Baumel / Music: BeGun

Sidra. El infierno libio | Photo: Giulio Piscirelli / Music: Paolo Angeli

Badjiyo. Mediterráneo y desplazamiento | Photo: Anna Surinyach / Music: Judit Neddermann

Kele. Infancia en conflicto | Photo: Juan Carlos Tomasi / Music: Momi Maiga

Bad dream. República Centroafricana y violencia sexual | Photo: Adrienne Surprenant / Music: Núria Graham

Rosas y Viento. Refugiados en GreciaPhoto: Colectivo Jungleye / Music: Clara Castro

30 Days. Trabajo sexual y VIH en Malaui | Photo: Isabel Corthier / Music: Raül Refree

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